Friday, October 15, 2010

Don't be tone deaf! Creating tone of voice in eLearning.

These are slides from a My Kineo webinar I ran this week with Kirstie Greany.


John Zurovchak said...

Outstanding Slide Show, Cammy! Tone is something I struggle with each and every day. This is a VERY helpful set of tips, tricks and strategies for how to have a conversation and to make it light and engaging.

Thanks for sharing! It made my day.

Cate said...

I am so mad I missed this presentation. I am slowly trying to change the tone of my writing without alarming my colleagues and this is exactly what I needed to get to the next step. I wish I had heard Cammy's VO for this. Perhaps the webinar recording will be available sometime?

Cammy Bean said...

So glad to have made your day, John!

Cate, we'll be posting the recording up on MyKineo.

zf said...

Great slides! Thanks for sharing!

macrofireball said...

Awesome Slide Show Cammy! Please let me know when the recording is up on MyKineo.