To all of my local Massachusetts colleagues and readers, be sure to put this event on your calendar and then get yourself there!
I’ll be there with bells on – and not just because the workshop is being held five minutes from my house, but also because Bob Mosher is an amazingly dynamic and engaging speaker with lots of practical ideas for your learning organization.
Hope to see you there!
Mass ISPI Fall 2010 Workshop, October 21
Informal Learning: Are We Missing a HUGE Opportunity?
Bob Mosher
Global Chief Learning Strategy and Evangelism
LearningGuide Solutions
Thursday, October 21
7:30 AM-11:30 AM
Some research suggests that up to 80 percent of learning in the workplace occurs on an informal basis. Even with this being the case, most corporations spend more than 80 percent of their training budget and effort on formal training.
This workshop will address issues and methodologies surrounding understanding and effectively delivering informal learning, including e-communities (forums and synchronous environments) and electronic performance support systems (EPSS). See how some emerging and nontraditional methods are stepping up to fill this much needed training opportunity.
Westford Regency
219 Littleton Road
Westford, MA 01886
For more information and to register, click:
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