I had an iPod Touch, which I loved and was hopelessly addicted to. But this just has me over the top and I can't keep my hands off it.
Which isn't necessarily a good thing. Trust me.
For one thing, I can now check email and Twitter wherever I am:
- In the car (it was safe -- my husband was driving!
- At Friendly's with the kids, while celebrating my son's 6th birthday (and, yes, I was drinking a giant fribble)
- In the middle of the night after being woken up by some child
It opens things up in some very cool ways, providing flexibility and accessibility, which is great. I now work with a whole group of people across the pond in bonnie ole england-- a five hour time difference -- and it's really easy to be connected. (Hi, guys!) I can even use Skype on the iPhone when there's wifi around, making calls to the UK free and clear.
I love it. But I might need help. Fellow iPhone users, how do you keep yourself from going overboard?
Some of this may also be the ramblings of a new virtual office worker who has a lot to learn. My office is my home, my home is my office.

Cammy, do not fight the power of the iPhone. Embrace it. Love it. Live it. Come toward the light...
Cammy --
You might want to look into some iPhone apps for bed. My favorites are iToss and iTurn, but I've also heard good things about iMaNoLDgUYwHOgETSuPoFTENtOpEE as well.
(No, I don't own an iPhone. Thanks for asking.)
Cammy, I agree with Jane - just give in to the love. I have had my iPhone since January when I went renegade from the (verizon)family plan because I couldn't stand to NOT have an iPhone any longer. It keeps me so connected to friends, family and work that I wouldn't like to live without it now.
Some app suggestions:
SimpleMindX - for mind mapping on the run
Urban Spoon - for finding some new restaurants
and Whack'emAll - for just plain fun.
I've been known to leave my not-very-smart phone in a jacket pocket, or the map pocket of the car, for a day or two at a time.
Each to his or her own, but the only late-evening technology in my bedroom is the reading lamp. And the $5, battery-powered clock.
funny -- i found your post because i was looking through my flickr stats and saw your link to my fribble pic -- cool!
i agree with embracing the iphone. my wife just got one and i am watching her go through the same thing i went through when i got mine in november -- obsession: facebook, twitter, new york times, and generally apps apps apps. go with it and it will seek the level of the rest of your technology use.
Thanks for the blessing, Wheedle! And a special thanks for the Fribble Foto. Yum. Fribble.
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