Friday, September 10, 2010

Kineo Top Tip: Bring the learner into the design

Check out my latest eLearning top tip offering on our site:

Tip 42: Bring the learner into the design

Who’s at the heart of the eLearning design process?  Why the learner, of course!  And yet, the dear learner so often lies lonely and forlorn amidst the piles of binders, the loads of text bullets and the pages and pages of content.  So how can you bring them front and center?  Why, bring them into the design process! 

Read more…

Be good to get your thoughts.  What are ways you keep the focus on the learner during your design process, especially on rapid projects with tight, tight turnaround times?


Lifecell said...

Thank you for all of your tips! They are definitely adding a lot to my elearning design.
Kind regards.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cammy. I found your post really interesting - a great way to keep the design learner-focused. In the past I've used learner questionnaires and interviews to give me a good understanding of who they are and what they want and need - and then I try to put myself in their shoes throughout the design process. If the end users are beginners who are new to the subject, I also try to use the fact that I'm also a beginner to my advantage - any questions I've got are likely to be the ones the learners will also have, so those are the ones the course needs to answer. But I think your idea is particularly good for making sure everyone - designers and subject matter experts - are on the same page and all keeping the (same) learners in mind. I also really like your point about designing for individuals, not an abstract mass - this is something I recently referred to in my own blog ( so it's great to see that you agree!

Cammy Bean said...

Hi Stephanie, Great minds think alike! This is a really useful technique -- as I script I keep bringing it up with my SME team as well -- "does Todd REALLY need to know that?"

Great to see a fresh new blog in the elearning space! Keep up the great work.