Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What Are You Reading?

I have the perpetual stack of books next to my bed and stacked up in my Kindle.

Right now I've got at a few design/learning things going on:

In Pursuit of Elegance: Why the Best Ideas Have Something Missing by Matthew May

Learning Everywhere: How Mobile Content Strategies Are Transforming Training by Chad Udell

The Design of Everyday Things by Donald Norman

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People by Susan Weinschenk

And lest you think I'm all business:

The Hobbit -- reading aloud to my kids :)

Tess of the D'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy -- haven't read this since high school.

What are you reading? And what else do you think I should be reading? (Because my stack is not nearly big enough as it is!)


Melanie Marttila said...

If you're still in the mood for classics after Hardy, try Evelina by Fanny Burney.
Further bedtime story books (sorry series): Narnia, C.S. Lewis; The Prydain Cycle, Lloyd Alexander; The Time Quartet (or is it Quintet now?), Madeline L'Engle; the Dark is Rising, Susan Cooper.
Just for a little bit of everything :)

Anonymous said...

I'd suggest a couple of Edward de Bono's books. More about creativity and deciphering the thinking process. Six Thinking Hats and Lateral Thinking: Creativity Step by Step for creative design approaches.

Malcolm Gladwell's Tipping Point - Good for growing an understand about change and epidemics.

Less business? I'm stuck reading the Wheel of Time series books now.. ugh.. 14 books? (Robert Jordan)

Helen said...

Thanks Cammy. There's some useful books there that I should look up and read myself. At the moment I'm reading, 'Brain Rules' and finding it fascinating. For a light read, I'm reading a novel called Gone Girl which has had rave reviews. I'm pretty light on with my reading at the moment as I'm trying to catch up with my knitting too!

Cammy Bean said...

Thanks for all of the great suggestions, everyone -- and keep 'em coming.

Pete, I've read the Tipping Point a ways back -- good read.

And Helen, I've been working on Brain Rules for the past few years. Love it, but haven't finished it. Not sure why! I guess because my to-read list just keeps getting longer and I get distracted...Also -- just finished Gone Girl. Great read!

I like the sound of Lateral Thinking: Creativity Step by Step.

I've also been meaning to read The Checklist Manifesto by Gwande.

Judy Unrein said...

Hi, Cammy!

I posted my current reading a couple of months back: http://onehundredfortywords.com/2012/07/09/whats-on-your-bookshelf/ and somehow I've written about two books since then that were NOT even on the list... anyway, there are some similarities to yours but also links to recommendations from Steve Flowers and Kris Rockwell there, too.

I think The Pursuit of Elegance is next on my list to start -- we should discuss!

Tami Ross said...

I love the photo!

My bedside table book collection seems to be growing instead of shrinking. I'm usually consumed with business books (love Malcolm Gladwell) but just finished Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson and loved it.

Really having fun introducing Nancy Drew to my 6 year old. I've been collecting them for her since she was 4 months old.