Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Learning Visions

I'm Cammy Bean and this is my little corner of the world where I talk about instructional design and topics somewhat related to eLearning.

I've been working in the corporate training field since the early- to mid-90's. Most of that time, I've worked for eLearning vendors: companies that design and develop eLearning programs for a wide variety of corporate clients.

I love what I do because I get to learn about some new nook of the world every day. I've served as instructional designer and project manager on programs for banks, airlines, department stores, consulting firms, construction companies, training companies, and more.

I am now the VP of Learning Design for Kineo.

I started blogging in earnest in February 2006. A lot of really smart people were talking about some really interesting things and I wanted in! Every day I learn something new from the blogs I read and from the comments people leave here.

Please join in the conversation and leave a comment on my blog if you've got something to say. Don't be shy. Really.

How to comment:

At the bottom of a post, click on the Post a Comment Link. You'll see a little box in which you can type away.

You'll need to fill out the Word Verification field when you're ready to submit your comment. This is just a means of making sure that a real person is entering a comment, and not some mechanical spam machine.

Once you've entered your comment, it will immediately appear on my blog. I also get an email alert.

If you'd rather your comment was more private, feel free to send me an email at: cammybean @ gmail . com.

How to stay current:

If you'd like to keep reading my blog, but don't want to have to remember to visit it every day, make use of RSS (Really Simple Syndication). You can have updates sent to you automatically through an RSS Reader (I use and love Google Reader) or have an email update sent directly to you.

Subscribe with RSS:

Just click on that orange icon in the top right corner of my blog page that says "Subscribe in a Reader". New blog postings will automatically be sent to your Blog Reader when I post them.

You can even subscribe via email.

If you're into Twitter, join me there. I'm @cammybean.

Thanks for reading. I hope you keep coming back and join in the conversation!



Anonymous said...

Love the new About Page, Cammy. Very friendly, easy to use, drew me in completely.

Christine Martell said...

I really like how you concisely described how to comment and then the options for subscribing. It conveys the desire to connect well.

Cammy Bean said...

Thanks for the positive feedback!

alex said...

When are we going to hook up in Second life?
Alex a.k.a Spinner Mills.

Anonymous said...

Cammy, great blog; any suggestions on how I can get in touch with other freelance IDs?

Cammy Bean said...


There are plenty of freelance ID-ers out there (Cathy Moore comes to mind right away). What's your networking goal here? Feel free to email me directly and we can follow up. cammy bean @ gmail dot com

I tried to find your email, but got nothing....


Anonymous said...

By all hi!!!
I from Russia. I am sorry for my bad English!!!
At me the question because of what events occurs increase PR of a site?
At me on a site PR-2 why so happens...
Whether it influences search???

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Sarah Stewart said...

Just working through the 31 day challenge and didn't quite know how to do a sneeze page so have followed your format. thanks for that. Sarah