Tuesday, April 03, 2007

eLearning Guild Event -- My Sessions

As I've mentioned here before, I'm extremely excited about attending the upcoming eLearning Guild event here in Boston. Excited in sort of a geeky schoolgirl way. I'm excited to go to as many sessions as I can. I'm excited to pick people's brains. I'm excited to get feedback on our products and services (yes, my company will have a booth). And I'm even excited to work my booth -- althought that won't be my primary responsibility -- as the resident instructional designer, my job isn't selling, it's learning...

So here are the sessions I'm most interested in attending (you should see my schedule -- there are at least 3 things circled for each time slot...how to choose? how to choose?):

10:45 - 12:00 Deeper Learning: Cognitive Science and Instructional Design with Clark Quinn
1:15-2:15 Fast Track Intro to Learning Theory with Maggie Martinez
2:45-3:45 How to Apply Techniques of Professional Game Designer to E-Learning with Jeff Johannigman
4:15-5:15 The Future of Rapid e-Learning (Panel Discussion) hosted by Paul Clothier

10:45 E-Learning Technologies and Practices -- What's Really Happening Out There with Tony Karrer
1:30-2:45 PLE: Peparing for the New e-Learning Environment with Steven Downes
3:30-4:45 Using Simulations and Experiential Learning to Develop Leadership with Bjorn Billhardt

Friday (if I can actually get myself into the city that early...)
8:15-9:15 Using Questions to Deepen Learning: What the Research Says with Will Thalheimer
9:30-10:30 It's Not Innovative If It Doesn't Educate -- Appropriate Use of New Technologies with Keith Resseau

So it's a little bit of instructional design, some gaming, rapid e-learning, and just trying to get a general grasp of what's really going on out there. I'm interested in personalities -- hearing from some of the notables in our little blogging community.

And I'm wondering if I'm missing something really cool. Anyone have different suggestions for me? A particular speaker? A particular topic? I want to be efficient. I don't want to spend an hour in a talk that is just a recap of the conversations I'm taking part in out here, when it turns out that this Great New Thing is happening in the conference room two doors down.

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