Wednesday, November 19, 2014

5 great reasons to download the Kineo Insights Report today!

The latest Kineo Insights report is hot off the PDF presses! 

Think of it as an early Christmas present - a stocking filled with insightful nuggets, analysis, and trends.  Definitely worth the read over your morning cup of joe.

What is the Kineo 2014 Learning Insights Report? Insights and analysis from 35 leaders at stand out organizations all around the world who shared their views with us on what's happening in the real world.

Here's a teaser of some of my favorite quotes and tidbits from the report:

1. The role of IDs
Traditional instructional design skills are not going away but there is an increase in consulting skills required. The learning team has to consult with the business on how to improve performance because it is “no longer about the learning team delivering improvements through training”. One L&D manager argued “learning team members need to be able to talk more about ‘learning strategies’.

 2. The Learning Campaign campaign has taken off!
‘Campaigns’ has certainly entered the learning lexicon this year. A number of businesses are taking more of a campaign or change management approach. One L&D manager said it is no longer “one and done” but rather “building on key messages and taking people along through a communication strategy”.

3. Social tools go mainstream

In one retail business Yammer was seen as a core part of the learning platform. “Stores have really embraced it – section managers love it, people get back much more quickly, e.g. ‘Anyone got a fault with a zip on this jacket?’ ‘Yes, this is how you fix it’. People share pics of how they’ve laid out merchandise and ask for feedback, e.g. ‘I just moved this to be beside shoes’ etc. People respond much quicker on Yammer. No way you’d get that response on email.”

4. Too many channels?
Whilst technology was generally seen as positive there were concerns. One key risk identified was simply the amount of messaging people constantly get via different channels and devices. “There is a real challenge to cut through the 20,000+ messages individuals are receiving every day in and out of the workplace.”

5. Taking the assessment out of the course
One company was using post-learning assessments and reviews rather than built-in assessments to help achieve behavioural change and application in the workplace. They ask each learner “What will you commit to do differently because of the training?” They also get learners to work closely with managers to agree a plan of action and to demonstrate that they are applying training.

There's lots more to soak in and digest. Get your copy of the 2014 Learning Insights Report and: 

  • Understand how learning technologies have changed over the past year 
  • Learn about the challenges global organisations are facing, and key steps to help solve them
  • Find out the key areas of change you need to implement in your organisation in 2015

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