Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Reading Update

I had fancy notions as I went into my vacation to do some ID-related reading.

All I've managed to read so far is a Mary Higgins Clark who-dunnit that I found at the beach house and now I've started in on a John Grisham novel.

Oh well. Some times the mind needs to contract a bit...


colleen said...

Well, no wonder! Saw your list. Except for 'Drive', they made my head hurt. But everything is connected; I just told Nemo of Bloomfire that my fave ID book is 'Flow', which Csikszentmihaly would hardly call an ID book. I'm thinking Nemo has doubts, but flow and total engagement is our design purpose.
Read for joy. The connections are ubiquitous.

Anonymous said...

I don't think loving a good story is a brain contraction. Humans love their stories. Arguably there's brain contraction when you narrowly focus your interests.

Reading widely is a good thing.


Cammy Bean said...

Jude, I couldn't agree more. Sometimes need to let the brain expand in one direction for a bit (perhaps contracting in another). Seeking inspiration in other sources...

Colleen, my list apparently made my head hurt as well!