The question was "Instructional Designers: do you have an advanced degree in ID?"
I make no claims for the scientific validity of my research, but I think there are some interesting results...

- 61.8% of respondents do not have an advanced degree
- 58% of respondents work in corporate ID
(Any correlation there?)
I think this one tells an interesting story ("How long have you been working as an Instructional Designer?":

Where do all the IDs go over time? Are they just not sticking with the field and moving elsewhere? Or is this showing an increase in the need for IDs?
I love scrolling the list of people's degrees -- it's heavily weighted to the liberal arts, with a little bit of everything from ethnography to criminal justice. We're a diverse bunch.
You can view the full Instructional Designer survey results.
If you haven't yet taken the survey, please do: Instructional Designer Survey.
(I apologize for the tiny graphics. I'll try to fix that!)
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I am not actually working as an instructional designer but I have a Master's degree in ID and I am currently working on a PhD in the same. Although I'm not working in the field I use what I have learned in ID in my work where I train people who are vision impaired or blind to use computers and other technology for employment, in school, or wherever.
I don't think I fit your survey but I appreciate your work. I think your results indicate the overall lack of understanding of value ID and what it can do. I think your blog is a great way to heighten awareness of the field and an outstanding contribution. Keep up the good work! SS
Cammy, thanks for the great information on your blog. For the past 10 years I've working in the web development, online communications, and PR fields prior to being laid off in 2009.
I am now interested in pursuing a career in ID and hope that I can build upon my current skill set and move forward. I decided to pursue a graduate degree in ID and Technology at Walden University, after carefully looking at many programs.
I hope to work in higher education where I can develop curriculum based programs in technology and design for adult learners.
I kinda fell into the field having been a middle school teacher. I've noticed that many government contracts require ID folks to have a degree in ID or Education. Thankfully, many say that the bidder can substitute experience for a degree but some do not. I've even taught ID to others (and have over 30 years experience in the field) but would not qualify to go up against a new ID graduate in some cases. Should that happen?
Thanks Stephen and mlrblogging for the comments. Always good to hear about people's experiences in ID programs. Please stop back here and tell us how it's going!
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