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My blog came in at the genius level on the readability test.
I take it to mean that it must take a genius to figure out what I'm really trying to say, since I must not be saying it all that clearly.
C'mon. Genius? I don't use big words or anything.
I suspect that Christy's muppet translation will put her blog into the genius level for its illegibility. Anyone support my theory? Brent -- you're a genius, too. What thinks you?
My Muppet translation actually brought me down to an undergrad level.
I do wonder if the e-learning jargon affects the results on the test. However, it's such a nonscientific measure that it's hard to tell.
My blog readability test delivered the same result... they must be using an algorithm based on jargon I guess.
Yea! It certainly is flattering...but...uh...I don't think so. I babble way too much to be genius material.
But hey, the graphic is pretty cool, eh?
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