Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The eLearning Salary Gender Gap

This post is part of a blog carnival hosted by Janet Clary – a response to my original post eLearning Guild’s 2010 Salary Report in which I declared I was ticked off by this:

There continues to be a consistent gender gap in pay between men and women. On average, men are paid 14.5% more than women. This gap is most notable in part-time employee pay, where women receive an average hourly rate that is 49.4% lower than the rate men receive, while working a comparable number of hours.

The National Average Salary — Full-time Employee $79,300:

eguild_salary_gender_gap So, in pictures, the average Full-Time elearning salary for men is $85.8K and for women $74.4K. 

Women make –5% of the average; men make +9.5%.


Now, of course there are many variables.  And the eLearning Guild report does a good job helping you use the data to construct your salary. 





Take this worked example from page 22:

Scenario #2 — Full-time employee negotiating a salary increase
An Instructional Designer in Oregon, who is an individual contributor, is preparing for her annual review and evaluating a potential request for a salary increase. She works for a computer hardware manufacturing company that employs 50,000+ employees. She has four years of e-Learning experience and a Bachelor’s degree.

Now I think what’s missing here is an adjustment for gender, right? 

So we should actually adjust her salary down by an additional-5% (the penalty of being a woman), putting her adjustment at –3.5% (or -$2775.50).

So that would put her total salary at at $77,714,50 instead of $80,490.

If she’d have been a man, she could have asked for $89,213!

So – how off are you?  Here’s my challenge.  Go off and calculate for yourself.  See where you’re at.  And then pause, reflect, take action?  (see the other blog carnival offerings for more on the subject of action…) 

Fill out the worked example making adjustments based on your own situation.  You can find the variables in the Guild Report (pages listed below):

  • Industry (p. 15)
  • Company Size (p. 16)
  • State (p. 17)
  • Years Experience (p. 18)
  • People Managed (p. 19)
  • Education (p. 21)
  • Job Focus (p. 21)
  • Gender (p. 5 = -5% for women, +9.5% for men)


This post is part of a blog carnival on the subject of the gender salary gap. Read more from Julie Dirksen: Ranting on the Gender Pay Gap in E-Learning, Janet Clarey: The Salary Gap In US E-Learning Industry, and Cammy Bean: eLearning Guild’s 2010 Salary Report.

Have something to say on the subject?  Join the ride and contribute.  Then share a link to your post in the comments on one of our blogs.

1 comment:

  1. I'm joining the blog carnival, Cammy. Let's keep talking about this so that the message spreads. Here's my post:

