Thursday, May 27, 2010

Book Review: Ruth Clark’s Evidence-Based Training Methods

I’ve been trying to read a lot lately – books, not just blogs. 

And I do find that the age-old book report is a great way to synthesize and encode all those juicy learning nuggets.

ASTDMy latest review: Ruth Clark’s Evidence-Based Training Methods: A Guide for Training Professionals

Recommendation:  Thumbs Up. 

I presented a webinar today and found myself quoting liberally from this book.  So if that’s not a good indicator of its usefulness, I don’t know what is!

Clark effectively summarizes current learning research, covering important topics like use of audio and graphics.  And bashes the learning styles myth.  A lot of the material was familiar to me from having read E-Learning and the Science of Instruction and from participating in her session of the same name last fall at DevLearn (my notes are here).

Click here to read my review of Evidence-Based Training Methods on the Kineo site.

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