Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Kineo Team at #DevLearn

The annual migration of the L&D tech crowd to Las Vegas for the eLearning Guild’s fabulous DevLearn conference has begun. In fact, I’m writing and posting this update from somewhere high above the country thanks to free inflight WiFi!
The Kineo US team will be there, eager to learn and connect with the expected crowd of over 2,800 of our industry cohorts.
So what’s on tap for us this week, aside from attending great keynotes, great sessions, those in-hall conversations where the learning really happens, plus the prowling of the Expo hall to see what’s new? Let's take a look at some of what we'll be up to.


The Accidental Instructional Designer 3:00-4:00
 Join me and have a chance to win a copy of my book, The Accidental Instructional Designer!
Chances are you didn’t dream of becoming of an eLearning designer when you grew up, did you? Most of the instructional designers in the eLearning business arrived here by accident. So now that you’re here and doing this work, how can you become a more intentional practitioner?
In this session we'll talk about four key areas you can focus on in order to become a more well-rounded eLearning designer. You will also discover the ways that you can take your practice to the next level by clearly identifying and honing your instructional designer sweet spot. Finally, this session will provide you with some quick tips for better eLearning design that you can immediately apply to your current and upcoming projects.


Morning Buzz IDS: Moving from Accidental to Intentional 7:30-8:15
Grab your coffee and join me for an informal conversation about instructional design and building a career out of what may have been a surprising accident. The conversation will likely build off the ideas in my Wednesday session, but attending that session is definitely not a requirement.
Reignited! Meme-ing the Innovative World of eLearning 3:00-4:00
If it’s anything like last year’s session, there will be lots of laughing out loud. Don’t miss the fun!
Technology has completely changed the way we live, work, and learn. Technology has brought us the Internet, smartphones, tablets, and many more tools that have changed our lives forever. Of course, these same technologies have also brought us memes like Socially Awkward Penguin, Success Kid, and yes, Grumpy Cat.
For the second year in a row, these two worlds collide as four industry experts use today’s memes to explore the innovative world of learning. The rules of each presentation are simple: Each speaker’s presentation has 20 slides that automatically advance every 20 seconds. That provides each speaker with six minutes and 40 seconds to share their vision for how learning is being innovated. And there’s one last rule—slides can only use common Internet memes for visuals.
Demofest 4:00-6:00
We’ll be showing off some of our latest work at DemoFest. And just what is DemoFest? It’s a packed room of more than 80 project teams showing off their work and an exhilarating few hours of getting ideas and inspiration from companies and teams from all over the world. We’ll be showing off a great project with a focus on Totara and Adapt, both open source tools.
How does a fast food chain take new managers on a journey from day one to proficiency? How do you provide a structured framework when so much of the learning happens shoulder-to-shoulder on the restaurant floor? Come take a peek at what we’re calling “proficiency journeys.” You’ll see a customized version of Totara, the open source LMS, in action alongside eLearning objects created using the open source Adapt framework. It’s a multi-device, responsive platform complete with checklists and observation forms, eLearning objects, one-on-one mentoring, and assessment of actual on the job performance. Now put that in your milkshake and give it a blend!
If you’re at DevLearn this year, I hope it’s fabulous for you. And if you’re enjoying the backchannel from the comfort of home, be sure to follow my blog where I’ll be posting session notes and other tidbits.

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