Friday, May 31, 2013

Continuous, Collaborative Learning? What's That? Free Webinar! June 6

What does continuous, collaborative learning mean and why does it matter?

Next week, I'll be leading a webinar where we can start a conversation and then continuously collaborate on this topic!

I'll be looking at what other smarty pants have to say on the subject, share some juicy tidbits and information, and take a look at what real organizations are doing.

Join me on 6/6 in this free webinar hosted by GoToTraining.

Sign up today!


  1. Hey Cammy, I'm really excited about this webinar! I won't be able to participate in real time. Will we get a recording or something afterward? Thanks!

  2. Hey Roger, for sure! GoTo says if you can't make it, just register anyway and they'll send you the recording link when it's up.
