Thursday, July 26, 2012

ASTD LearnNow Day 2 notes #ASTDLN

These are my notes from the morning session of ASTD LearnNow Conference, happening July 25 & 26 on the lovely shores of the Charles River in Cambridge, MA.  I’m co-facilitating this event with Bob Mosher (Ontuitive), Conrad Gottfredson (Ontuitive)  and Chad Udell (Float Learning).

Bob Mosher is starting the day off with some discussion around where do we start implementing these new technologies?  "This war is won one project at a time?"

  • Create a proof of concept to solve one nagging problem. Don't try to boil the ocean!
  • Pick an audience that is excited about these new tools and comfortable with technology.  Keep your sample size manageable. 40,000 people isn't a pilot.  Or start with your own internal L&D group where you can keep the control.
  • Use existing learning assets -- build with existing content.  (You've probably got tons of stuff -- people just can't find it now.)
  • Time and scope -- be realistic.
  • Contextualize it -- put it in the workflow!  

People sharing AHA moments from yesterday:
  • Embedded performance supporting -- putting the resources at the point of need
  • Starting within our own groups to experiment with these methods and maximize our own productivity
  • Positioning ourselves as a learning group -- we've got to bring to the table more strategic discussions to how we can impact performance 
  • Design mindset -- we have to shift things. Senior level people want to see something in two weeks.
  • I wish we'd never uttered the words "informal learning" -- it's a really broad brush and how do you put budget on that?  I need to structure and design for informal learning where people are having a conversation on their way to the parking lot? 
  • I can pick a small group of people from my organization of 80,000 and start there -- I can now think of ideas that I can deliver for a smaller chunk
  • L&D teams have put themselves in a box of moments 1 and 2 (new and more). We should be owning all five moments (new, more, apply, change, solve).
  • In training, we've trained ourselves to think that everything is NEW -- that we need a three day course.  But often it's a more -- we have existing models to work on -- the interventions can be different.
  • Get data to understand WHO your workforce really is.  Data to suggest that someone can learn something without sitting in a classroom. 
An embedded performance support system demo...Bob shows off the Ontuitive EPSS product...

As you work with a system or a workflow, you have resources available to you that map to the pyramid.  So the learner/performer can self-select what they need in that moment - they can get more formal instruction, and so on.  These resources can link into the LMS, so you still get your tracking...

Can do this as part of a software system or something more soft like a process (Marketing Planning Process).  (Common objection we hear is you can't build performance support for soft skills because there aren't steps.  But there are steps! It's not click a button or do this menu but the step might be "identify your frame of reference/target market.")

I did a quick tour of different social media tools and platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Google + and so on) so people can get a better sense of the tools out there...

Chad now shares his tour of tools for creating mobile tools.

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